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Download MOD APK

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loading After install app, close this window and open app via desktop shortcut.

MOD APK Guide Instructions

Last Update: March 2025

Your mod apk will be downloaded automatically. If it doesn't, click the button above to access mod apk directly by online. You will be redirected to the mod on your chosen game.

Once you through the loading screen, you will go to the main page. For the first time, you need to insert the authentication key in order to proceed. You able to get the new key by click get app key button.

On the get authentication key page, you need to complete offer in order to get the key. The most efficient & fast way is to finish all the app-install offer available on the page. Once complete, the authentication key will be printed on the page. Write down the key before it disappear. Come back to the application and insert the key.

When you done verify your authentication key (case-sensitive). You will download an additional mod files and restarted the app (Internet connection must be enabled). Make sure that the game are not in open state while using the mod apk app. Use the mod apk to generate your resource and press generate. Wait the mod apk app process and the resources will be added to your in-game account.